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Sandra Smith

Why Did You Become a Vegetarian?

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

I had started a new job and it always comes up that I am a vegetarian when we go to lunch the first time. It isn’t a secret; but I don’t go out of my way to tell people if they don’t ask me about it. The woman at the new job asked me, “Why did you become a vegetarian? Did you read a book?”

It made me laugh because yes, I did read a book that helped me make my decision to stop eating meat. I read The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone. I could really relate to her story and she made it sound worthwhile and not too difficult. She has three levels if you want to ease into it. I also watched a bunch of documentaries starting with Forks over Knives. I watched at least 10 different documentaries about vegan, vegetarian and whole food diets, some of them many times.

When I first began this journey into eating a plant-based diet, I could talk to like minded people for hours about it. Vegetarians or vegans I met at airports or sat next to on the plane or were attending the same conferences as me were always happy to talk about all of the benefits they have personally experienced. One woman I met even went on cruises for vegans and her elderly mom reversed her diabetes on a vegan diet.

Many people who ask me why I am a vegetarian stop listening when I answer the question. Or they tell me how much they hate tofu or kale. For the record I like tofu and hate kale. Many people ask me “What do you eat?” There is actually a grocery store full of food that doesn’t come from the butcher department, which is just in one corner. It is easy to eat vegetarian meals at Mexican, Italian, and Asian restaurants, as well. It does still surprise me when people act defensive over the choices I have made about the foods I want to eat and the foods I do not want to eat.

I decided to stop eating meat for compassionate and health reasons that were outlined in the documentaries. I didn’t have a weight issue, high blood pressure or any other real health issues, but reducing my risk of getting cancer and heart disease sounded like a good idea. I won’t go into any of the scary sides of the meat industry-but it was compelling to me to not be a part of what happens to the animals used for America’s meat supply. I love animals and have always loved animals. I have two dogs, a cat, and a horse.

Years prior I started doing Meatless Mondays but I still ate bacon every day for breakfast. I loved bacon and burgers with brie in the center. I liked salmon, scallops, and filet mignon, ham and chicken. I didn’t really like eating meat off the bone or finding grisly bits in my chicken tenders but, I was raised on the typical American diet. Plan the meal around the meat and then pick the sides. I like to cook and had a great meatloaf recipe and also planned the meal around the meat choice. As a child, my mom would serve lamb at Easter which I never cared for. I had to really put the mint jelly ratio very high to eat that. I had tried venison and never did care for that. I tried duck and didn’t like that either. I didn’t think veal was a very nice thing. But there was a long list of acceptable meats and fish that I ate. I ate meat 6 days a week; every day but Monday.

After I decided to stop eating meat every day of the week it did take some adjusting for me and my family members. Other foods that are meat substitutes do not have the same consistency of meat which is something I was used to. After awhile you don’t even think about it anymore. Your mouth adjusts, your body adjusts, and people get accustomed to your new choices. I have more energy than I used to and my immunity is very good too. My cholesterol and blood pressure are very low. My skin is clearer and I just overall feel lighter which is something that is hard to explain.

If you want to learn more about eating a plant based diet I encourage you to read a book or watch a documentary and see if it is something you would like to try. It is a decision I am happy I made and stuck with and I have no regrets.

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