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Sandra Smith

What Can I Do on Earth Day? (There Is No One Way)

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Happy Earth Day and Happy Birthday to Pony Max, my horse who turns 24 today. I have always loved animals and nature and have advocated on their behalf for as long as I can remember. I grew up in California and enjoyed many magical moments on camping trips with my family. We camped at Lake Tahoe, Lake Camanche, and Burney Falls during the Summer months. There are pictures of me when I was a toddler, roasting marshmallows by the fire and of the day my face had turned beet-red from the summer heat. During nature walks, I was taught the importance of respecting “the great outdoors” to keep it beautiful for the animals, and humans.

After school one day in my neighborhood when I was about 8 years old, my girlfriend and I were walking around our block and chatting. She opened up her candy bar and casually dropped the wrapper onto the sidewalk. In shock and dismay the words, “Don’t be a trash monster!” flew out of my mouth. She looked at me and laughed in my face and called me a name that I don’t recall anymore. But she did pick up her wrapper, and we later became best friends.

There are so many upsetting environmental issues happening that it can feel overwhelming to know what steps you can take that will make a difference to help the planet. We hear very scary news about pollution, diminishing rain forests, animal extinctions, water contaminations, and many other ways our planet is being harmed by man. Please don’t cripple your actions using the fear, “I can’t do enough to make a difference, so what’s the use?” There is a Chinese Proverb that says “A journey of one thousand miles starts with a single step.”

I encourage you to investigate and learn more about ways you can make small steps to live a greener life and reduce your footprint. There are so many great books and online resources to learn more. I have made many changes over the years and strive to make more in the future.

The number one thing I do for the planet is eat a plant-based diet. According to the Peace Advocacy Network (PAN), in just 30 days of being vegan, you can save 30 animal lives, 33,000 gallons of water, 12,000 pounds of grain, 600 pounds of carbon dioxide, and 900 square feet of forest. That’s a huge impact for one person to make! PAN has a 30-day virtual, pledge program that is free if you would like to give it a try. You will receive nutritional and environmental education, watch live cooking demonstrations, be supported to make changes by a fabulous mentor, and make new friends. ( They also accept donations to help continue to offer this free program.

While I do not have a bicycle blender like Ed Begley, Jr., who I consider the greenest person I know of, I have been striving to live a green life for many, many years. I do lots of little things. I will share nine habits I have adopted that you can try that will help the environment. These are not listed in any particular order.

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

2. Practice minimalism

3. Never litter

4. Plant trees ( is my favorite place to do this)

5. Use green cleaners, and green products

6. Plant an organic garden

7. Make your lawn care chemical free

8. Reduce use of single serve plastic drink containers

9. Use cloth napkins

I encourage you to be set your intentions to be greener and explore the many actions you can take and habits you can develop. Start with small changes and don’t get discouraged. Every little bit does help and shows your friends and/or children that you are willing to make mindful choices and work towards the goal of leaving a healthy planet to the future generations. Don’t forget to un-plug and go outside to enjoy Mother Nature. Go on a nature hike, bird watch, or hug a horse while he is grazing.

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