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Sandra Smith

Self Care Isn't Selfish

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

“Self care isn’t selfish” is the phrase shared to me by Angela, when she came in for a salt cave session that included a guided meditation I was leading at Himalayan Hideaway Salt Cave. She was sharing this phrase to the front-line healthcare workers at the hospital during staff meetings, as it was the focus for the month. It is a true statement, and not a new concept. I really liked the catchiness of the phrase and use it often now.

Self care is a healing strategy used in grief work. Self care is more than spending 5 minutes applying a clay facial mask. In times of grief, it can be remembering to drink water and stay hydrated. It might be saying the word “No” and declining to participate in an activity you do not feel would be in your best interest. It might look like being kind to yourself and listening to your inner voice to find out what it is that you need in this moment.

I have been focusing on self care for myself to manage stress and grief and have gained a clearer understanding of the why’s and importance of self care activities. My intentions in this blog are to tell you some of the reasons I recommend carving out the time to take care of yourself and to whole heartedly recommend a Massage & Bodywork Therapist for people in Winston-Salem.

In July, I moved out of the home I had lived in for twenty years. It is a stressful and discombobulating experience. You realize how much stuff you have accumulated when you have to put it all into a box and move it from one home to the next. I am also experiencing pain in my shoulder and recently experienced a scary fall in my new home. My stress level has been very high. As my stress continued to rise with other unexpected and unpleasant events occurring in my life, my irritability and anxiety rose. My coping skills were decreasing and I felt my back against an invisible wall. I decided to get a massage to get some breathing room and help my body heal.

Another customer at the salt cave was taking her massage therapist to the salt cave for a halo therapy session as a birthday gift. She raved about this person in the lobby as we waited for her to arrive. That was when I met Adalia. This was back in late December and it wasn’t until August that I decided to give her a call. We scheduled a 60-minute massage at her office on Healy Drive.

I had such an amazing experience that I wanted to write about it. I filled out the intake paperwork and told Adalia about my “pain points”. When I mentioned that I didn’t want to be in pain after or during the massage with deep tissue work she told me that she is a nurturer and this would not be a problem.

I got on the table and the sheets were so soft and the table was the perfect temperature and I felt safe right away. She has ocean music playing on one side of the room and tranquil music on the other side of the room. It really does sound like you are having a massage at the beach. Luckily, she had the time for me to change my 60-minute appointment to an 80-minute appointment. She measures your energy with dowsing rods before and after the massage and the results are amazing. She personalizes each massage and has many modalities that she can use. There are no upcharges for the additional techniques and products that she uses. Your massage will be different from mine, of course.

I chose lavender oil for my aromatherapy oil. She used hot towels, hot stones, and an electric massager that vibrates deeper than the pressure of hand massage. The next two techniques, I had never experienced before. She did the cupping technique and the Gua Sha technique. She applied Tiger Balm to targeted areas. After I flipped over and she started working on my neck she asked me if I knew about humming. She said if I hummed while she worked on this area it would help my vagus nerve. I will admit I felt a bit embarrassed and the people pleaser in me asked for a humming example so I wouldn’t do it wrong. I decided I would chant the word Om as I have learned in Yoga class instead of humming. Turns out that the vagus nerve is the superhighway to health and is connected to the vocal cords. Singing, humming, chanting and gargling can activate these muscles and stimulate your vagus nerve according to She also guided me through deep breathing at one point and encouraged me to visualize a release.

My memory of the experience gets a little hazy because I went into such a deep relaxation and was so focused on the healing experience. At one point during the body work on my injured shoulder I was moved to tears from a memory from 18 years ago that was triggered or evoked. I was surprised at my tears but not alarmed. I love Oprah and I remembered on her show from years ago, she described that this happened to her one time during a massage. Adalia reassured me that it is okay to cry and let it out. Tears are healing and have therapeutic benefit as is processing and releasing painful memories that get stored in the body. The tears were over in under 60 seconds and the painful memory from 18 years ago gave me a message. I have had many, many massages and this was a first for me.

Some of what I experienced on this healing journey on her table is personal and I am not sharing it in this blog. My experience was 100 percent positive, and nurturing. She explained everything and listened and heard all of what I shared with her from when I arrived. If what I described sounds like a lot, I assure you it is. She lets spirit guide her during her sessions and this is massage and body work combined. She closed with a sound bowl and tuning forks tuned to I AM and LOVE.

After my massage, I continued to be kind and gentle to myself to process this intense healing experience. Once I got home, I took a salt bath, drank coconut juice and took a nap.

One of the messages I received while caring for myself today is that self care is one way to “fill your cup” and replenish your energy. It is also a way to show self-love to yourself and support your body to heal itself.

You might have heard the instructions on an airline, that you have to put on your own oxygen mask before you try to help someone else apply their mask. I am not sure who compared this flight instruction to self-care first. This touches on one of the reasons why taking care of yourself is so important. If you are helping others you have to take care of yourself to have the energy left over to serve. If you are personally depleted, it hinders your abilities as a care giver.

Self care activities provide nourishment for your mind, body, and soul. What are you nourishing yourself with? What foods and drinks are you providing to your body? What is replenishing your energy? How do you fill your cup? Are you being kind and gentle to yourself?

Taking care of yourself also keeps your immunity strong and can help prevent illnesses. Self care activities promote healing and increase the positive vibrations in your body. Is the only time you allow yourself a break when you are sick? I encourage you to take care of yourself prior to getting sick.

At the end of my massage, I did have a few more tears, but they were tears of gratitude. Adalia said it is all about giving and receiving. So here is my suggestion-block a day or a ½ day for self-care and book a session with Adalia Perez. I suggest an 80-minute appointment and allow time to take a salt bath when you get home. Please tell Adalia I referred you. After I asked her if I could write about my Divine experience, she said yes and told me that she has a referral program.

Here is the contact information if you are ready to give body work a try. Her name is Adalia Perez and she works at Sustaining Life Wellness Center. The location is 3410 Healy Drive, Suite 201, Winston-Salem, NC 27103. The price for a 60-minute massage is $69.00 and for an 80 minute session, the price is $89.00. Her email is I’d love to hear about the ways you care for yourself and all about your healing experience with Adalia. You can contact me for her phone number.

If you are interested in trying out salt therapy at Himalayan Hideaway Salt Cave as a wonderful self care activity, visit and book an introductory session.

#self-care, #bodywork therapist, #massage therapist, #healing touch, #compassion #salttherapy

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