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Sandra Smith

"Aren't You Glad Riding a Horse Isn't Virtual?"

In March, I left work in the pharmaceutical industry behind to pursue my calling to become a spiritual advisor and Angel Card reader to help others. My mother and father-in-law have been helping our family with financial support for our daughter's horseback riding lessons. She is a competitive rider and takes a private lesson each week. My mother, husband, and I show up every Thursday and sit in chairs at the edge of the arena and watch her walk, trot, and canter on a magnificent American Saddlebred horse; while her instructor Cashlyn calls out words of encouragement and guidance. We enjoy watching her dedication and hard work that is necessary to progress in this athletic sport.

Parker, the owner of Cash Lovell Stables, declared "I sure like a girl who shows up with an entourage every week!" I replied “This is our Thursday field trip." She said "Aren't you glad riding a horse isn't virtual?"

An emphatic Yes; I am so glad that riding a horse isn't virtual. The horses are unaware of the COVID-19 world pandemic. They show up for the riders and visitors each day in a therapeutic and healing way that is intangible and sometimes indescribable to others.

This field trip allows me to spend time with my mother who is 82 years old and has been frustrated by the restrictions placed on her comings and goings. This safe haven of a barn gives our family time to unplug, spend time outside, and support our teenager while social distancing. We also enjoy giving treats to the horses that live at the stables including our horse Pony Max. He nonchalantly eats his hay while we all give him praise, hugs and kisses.

During my daughter's lesson, I watched a little boy who was about 9 years old ride in a beginner's private lesson. He also rode in the heat and humidity of an August day in North Carolina and nearly leapt off his horse to go get his horse a treat, look him in the eye, and say "Thank you for the ride, Mr. Red." For these riders, for that thirty minutes, the outside fears of the world were nonexistent.

Our children need us to show up for them right now. We all need to create an entourage to persevere through these challenging times. We are all in this together. What field trip that isn't virtual, would you like to go on with your family? I thank God for Parker, Cashlyn, Cash Lovell Stables, my family and the horses.

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Nov 15, 2020

An excellent thought for all of us; support our family members. I think that often we are so hung up with "my problems are different" that we don't realize that we all have problems that are very much the same. I need to realize that God already has the solution to my problem, and He will show His solution to me in His time. Thank you for your blog, Sandra.


ken Olson
ken Olson
Oct 10, 2020

Connecting with animals reminds me to be down to Earth. Keep it Real. Thank you!

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